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Privacy Policy


Astermon Pte Limited values your privacy and is dedicated to safeguarding it by adhering to this policy. This policy outlines the types of information we may collect from you or that you provide when visiting our website,, as well as our procedures for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information. Please note that our website is not intended for children, and we do not knowingly collect data related to children.

This policy is applicable to the information we collect on our website and through electronic communication such as email, forms, applications, and other electronic messages exchanged between you and our website. However, it does not cover information collected offline or through other means, including other websites operated by Astermon or third parties, nor does it apply to information collected by third parties through applications or content that may be linked to or accessible from our website.

We urge you to carefully read and understand this policy, as it outlines our policies and practices regarding your information and how we handle it. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, please refrain from using our website. By accessing or using our website, you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy. Please note that this policy may be subject to changes, and your continued use of our website after any modifications will be considered as acceptance of those changes. Therefore, we recommend checking the policy periodically for any updates.

How We Collect your information and what we collect

Our Website gathers various types of information from users, which can be classified into three categories. The first category is personal information, such as your name, email address, and telephone number, which can directly identify you. The second category includes information about you that does not personally identify you, such as your company name and title. Lastly, we collect information about your internet connection, the devices you use to access our Website, and details about your usage. 2. There are three ways in which we collect this information. Firstly, you can provide it directly to us. Secondly, as you navigate through our site, certain information is collected automatically. This may include usage details, IP addresses, and data obtained through cookies. Lastly, we also receive information from third parties, including our business partners.

At our Website, we gather information from users in various ways. This includes personal information that can identify you, as well as non-identifying information about you and details regarding your internet connection and device usage. You can provide this information directly to us, it can be collected automatically as you browse our site, or we may receive it from our business partners.


Information provided by you

The data we gather from our Website can consist of various types of information. This includes details you provide by completing forms or applications, such as subscribing or commenting on our website, contacting us, or using any available applications like job or licensing applications. We may also request information from you if you encounter any issues with our Website.

If you reach out to us or leave comments on our website, we will keep records and copies of your correspondence, including email addresses. Additionally, any responses you provide to applications on our Website will also be recorded and stored.

Your search queries conducted on our Website are also part of the information we collect. Rest assured that we handle all the data you provide to us with utmost care and in accordance with our privacy policies.


You have the option to provide information that will be published or displayed on public areas of our Website, or shared with other users or third parties (referred to as "User Contributions"). However, please be aware that your User Contributions are posted and transmitted at your own risk. While we have measures in place to limit access to certain pages, it is important to note that no security measures are completely foolproof. Additionally, we cannot control the actions of other users who may have access to your User Contributions. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized individuals will not view your User Contributions.


Information We Collect Through Automatic Data Collection Technologies

When you browse and engage with our Website, we employ automatic data collection technologies to gather specific details about your equipment, browsing behavior, and patterns. This includes information such as your visits to our Website, traffic data, location data, logs, communication data, and the resources you access and utilize on our Website.


We also collect information about your computer and internet connection, which includes your IP address, operating system, and browser type. These automatic data collection technologies enable us to enhance your experience on our Website and provide you with relevant content and services.


Automatically gathered data may consist of personal information, which we may retain or link with personal data obtained through other means or from third parties. This aids in enhancing our Website and providing a more tailored service, such as:

Estimating audience size and usage trends.

Storing preferences to customize the Website based on individual interests.

Accelerating search processes.

Identifying returning visitors to the Website.


Automatic data collection may include the following technologies:

1. Cookies, also known as browser cookies, are small files that are stored on your computer's hard drive. If you prefer not to accept browser cookies, you can adjust your browser settings accordingly. However, please note that if you choose to do so, certain parts of our Website may not be accessible to you. By default, our system will issue cookies when you visit our Website unless you have specifically disabled this feature.


2. In addition to browser cookies, our Website may also utilize Flash cookies, which are local stored objects. These Flash cookies collect and store information about your preferences and navigation on our Website. It's important to note that managing Flash cookies requires separate settings from those used for browser cookies. If you would like to learn more about managing your privacy and security settings for Flash cookies, please refer to our guide on "Choices About How We Use and Disclose Your Information."


3. Our Website may also incorporate web beacons, which are small electronic files. These web beacons, also known as clear gifs, pixel tags, or single-pixel gifs, serve various purposes such as counting the number of users who have visited specific pages and providing website statistics. They are also used to track the popularity of certain website content and ensure the integrity of our system and servers. Rest assured that these web beacons do not collect personally identifiable information and are solely used for analytical and technical purposes.


Other Tracking Technologies and third party cookies

Our Website contains content and applications that are provided by third parties, such as advertisers, ad networks, content providers, and application providers. These third parties may use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect information about your online activities and personalize the content you see. 

Please note that we do not have control over the tracking technologies used by these third parties or how they use the collected information. If you have any inquiries regarding specific advertisements or targeted content, we recommend reaching out to the responsible provider directly. Additionally, if you wish to opt out of receiving targeted advertising from multiple providers, please refer to the information provided.

Your information may be used as below:

1. Our main objective is to showcase our Website and its contents to you.

2. We aim to fulfill your requests for information, products, or services.

3. Any other purpose you provide the information for will also be taken into consideration.

4. We will keep you informed about any changes to our Website, products, or services.

5. You will have the opportunity to engage in interactive features on our Website.

6. We will process any applications you submit on our Website.

7. We may use the information for any other purpose as described when you provide it.

8. Lastly, we will only use your information for any other purpose with your consent.


Disclosure of Your Information

Our company values the privacy of our users and takes the responsibility of handling their information seriously. In line with this, we may disclose aggregated data that does not identify any individual, ensuring that the privacy of our users is maintained without any restrictions. This means that we may share information that has been combined and analysed in a way that no personal details are revealed.


Additionally, we may disclose personal information that we collect or that you provide to us, as outlined in our Privacy Policy. This includes sharing information with our affiliates, contractors, and service providers who assist us in supporting our business operations. These third parties are contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality of personal information and are only permitted to use it for the specific purposes for which we disclose it to them. Furthermore, in the event of a merger, divestiture, or other transfer of our assets, personal information held by our company about our website users may be included as part of the assets transferred. Rest assured, we take all necessary measures to protect your personal information and only disclose it for legitimate purposes or with your consent.


Your personal information may be disclosed in the following circumstances: to comply with court orders, laws, or legal processes, including government or regulatory requests; to enforce our Terms of Use and other agreements; and if we believe it is necessary to protect the rights, property, or safety of IMC, our customers, or others.


Choices of disclosing your information

We are committed to giving you options when it comes to the use and disclosure of your personal information. To ensure this, we have implemented various methods that allow you to have control over your information.


Advertising and Technical tracing

1. Manage your online privacy by adjusting your browser settings to block or receive notifications for cookies. For Flash cookies, visit Adobe's website to learn how to customize your settings. Keep in mind that disabling or rejecting cookies may result in limited access or functionality on certain parts of the website.

2. Please be aware that we are not responsible for how third parties collect or utilize your information for personalized advertising. However, these third parties may offer options to opt out of such data collection and usage.


Data Retention

We will keep your personal information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for, including meeting legal, regulatory, tax, accounting, or reporting obligations. In case of a complaint or potential litigation related to our relationship with you, we may retain your personal information for a longer period. To determine the appropriate retention period, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of your personal information, the potential risk of unauthorized use or disclosure, the purpose of processing, and applicable legal requirements.

Correcting or Getting Your Information

Removing your User Contributions from our Website does not guarantee complete removal, as copies may still be accessible in cached or archived pages, or could have been saved by other users of the Website.

Data Security

1. To ensure the safety and privacy of your personal information, we have implemented various measures to prevent accidental loss and unauthorized access. Our secure storage methods comply with data privacy laws and regulations. If you have any concerns about how your data is stored, please reach out to us at


2. It is important to note that the security of your information also relies on your actions. If you have been provided with a username or password for specific sections of our website, such as job or licensing applications, it is your responsibility to keep them confidential. Please refrain from sharing your password with others and exercise caution when sharing information in public areas like blog comments, as it can be accessed by any user of our website.


3. While we strive to protect your personal information, it is essential to understand that transmitting data over the internet is not entirely secure. Despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your information when it is transmitted to our website. Any transmission of personal information is done at your own risk, and we cannot be held responsible for any privacy settings or security measures that may be bypassed on our website.


Privacy Policy Changes and Update

We will update our Privacy Policy on this page to reflect any changes we make. If there are significant changes in how we handle your personal information, we will inform you through a notice on our Website home page. The date of the last revision of our Privacy Policy can be found at the top of the page. It is your responsibility to regularly visit our Website and review our Privacy Policy for any updates.


If there are further Information you need

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our Privacy Policy or how we handle privacy, please feel free to contact us via email.